
September 18, 2014, 10:08:08 am VS|Berko says: Hey nabs no one visiting this? :)

December 07, 2013, 07:43:07 am r3dD0g says: :D

November 24, 2013, 08:03:14 am VS|wArRi0r says: Well, I used Playonmac and i'm trying to play on Be. server! Visit me :P I miss you guys

November 24, 2013, 03:41:23 am VS|wArRi0r says: Well it didn't work :(

July 05, 2013, 12:26:17 pm VS|wArRi0r says: Ok Razi, will try!

July 01, 2013, 07:11:10 am Blackbird says: Hello Guys, still missing the good old time..

June 29, 2013, 09:09:09 am VS|Argun says: Hey! You can find me on - F|A SILENT RECRUITING XPS       It's Mod: silEnT 0.7.2

June 28, 2013, 02:24:43 pm Razi says: warrior try this http://mac.appstorm.net/how-to/virtualization/running-windows-on-your-mac-with-virtualbox/

June 14, 2013, 07:17:28 am VS|B0RG says: I dont play ET since a long time ago.

June 11, 2013, 02:43:35 pm VS|wArRi0r says: Hey Razi, I have my exams right now, but i have a Macbook pro and i don't know how to install it :( You have any idea? Would like to join you guys sometime in game

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Forum > General Discussion

Berko speed script

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Hey guys here my cfg

dunno if u can use smth, but here it is :p

exec berko.cfg

// Sniper Script//
set recoilon       "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
set recoilon1      "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 4; -lookdown"
set recoiloff       "bind mouse1 +attack"
set 1          "cl_pitchspeed 140; com_maxfps 43; bind mouse1 vstr recoilon; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4On; vstr 3"
set 11         "bind mouse1 vstr recoilon1; echo ^7Sniper recoil reduced, for when you get level 3 Co-ops; vstr 4"
set 2          "com_maxfps 76; vstr recoiloff; vstr 5; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4Off"
set 3          "bind z vstr 11"
set 4          "bind z vstr 2"
set 5          "bind z vstr 1"
bind z "vstr 1"

//Binds personalizados //
bind i "vsay thanks ^mT^hh^pa^mn^hk^ps^1!"
bind F3 "vsay_team thanks ^1Thanks m8!"
bind F4 "vsay Welcome ^mN^ho ^pP^mr^ho^pb^ml^he^hm^1!"
bind F5 "vsay_team medic ^7Nurse ^1Heal ^7me!"
bind F6 "vsay greatshot ^mg^hr^pe^ma^ht ^hs^ph^mi^ht^1!"
bind F7 "vsay hi ^mH^he^pl^ml^ho!"
bind F8 "vsay cheer ^1VS^0| ^mR^hu^0l^me^oz"
bind o "vsay oops ^mO^h.^po^mp^hs^1!"

//Speed shooter//
bind Mouse1 "+vstr mouse_a mouse_b"
set mouse_a "+attack; +sprint"
set mouse_b "-attack; -sprint"
set weaponbanke_a "weaponbank 5; wait 3; +attack"
set weaponbanke_b "-attack; weaponbank 3"

// automatically kill myself by pressing K
bind "K" "kill"

//Play dead
bind "j" "playdead"

//Gamma - Press these keys to increase or decrease your gamma ingame//
bind "KP_PLUS" "vstr gup"
bind "KP_MINUS" "vstr gdn"
set gdn vstr gamma00
set gup vstr gamma01
set gamma00 "set r_gamma 0.9;set gdn vstr gamma00;set gup vstr gamma01;echo ^2Gamma^1MIN^n========"
set gamma01 "set r_gamma 1.0;set gdn vstr gamma00;set gup vstr gamma02;echo ^2Gamma^n=^1|^n========="
set gamma02 "set r_gamma 1.1;set gdn vstr gamma01;set gup vstr gamma03;echo ^2Gamma^n==^1|^n========"
set gamma03 "set r_gamma 1.2;set gdn vstr gamma02;set gup vstr gamma04;echo ^2Gamma^n===^1|^n======="
set gamma04 "set r_gamma 1.3;set gdn vstr gamma03;set gup vstr gamma05;echo ^2Gamma^n====^1|^n======"
set gamma05 "set r_gamma 1.4;set gdn vstr gamma04;set gup vstr gamma06;echo ^2Gamma^n=====^1|^n====="
set gamma06 "set r_gamma 1.5;set gdn vstr gamma05;set gup vstr gamma07;echo ^2Gamma^n======^1|^n===="
set gamma07 "set r_gamma 1.6;set gdn vstr gamma06;set gup vstr gamma08;echo ^2Gamma^n=======^1|^n==="
set gamma08 "set r_gamma 1.7;set gdn vstr gamma07;set gup vstr gamma09;echo ^2Gamma^n========^1|^n=="
set gamma09 "set r_gamma 1.8;set gdn vstr gamma08;set gup vstr gamma10;echo ^2Gamma^n=========^1|^n="
set gamma10 "set r_gamma 1.9;set gdn vstr gamma09;set gup vstr gamma10;echo ^2Gamma^n==========^1MAX"

// start - stop recording a demo//
set demo1 "stoprecord; set start_stop vstr demo2; say_team "^3~^0Stoprecord""
set demo2 "record; set start_stop vstr demo1; say_team "^3~^0Startrecord""
set start_stop "vstr demo1"
bind "F12" "vstr start_stop"

set nam1 "set name ^1V^1S^p|^mB^he^pr^mk^ho; set namechange vstr nam2; play sound\misc\vote.wav; echo ^2CURRENT NAME: ^1V^1S^p|^mB^he^pr^mk^ho"
set nam2 "set name ^1V^1S^p|^mB^h3^pr^mk^h0; set namechange vstr nam3; play sound\misc\vote.wav;echo ^2CURRENT NAME: ^1V^1S^p|^mB^h3^pr^mk^h0"
set nam3 "set name ^cThe.Purple.Teletubby; set namechange vstr nam4; play sound\misc\vote.wav; echo ^2CURRENT NAME: ^cThe.Purple.Teletubby"
set nam4 "set name ^eD^Ci^6s^Ec^Co^6F^Er^Ce^6a^Ek; set namechange vstr nam1; sound\misc\vote.wav; echo ^2CURRENT NAME: ^eD^Ci^6s^Ec^Co^6F^Er^Ce^6a^Ek"
set namechange "vstr nam1"
bind f9 "vstr namechange"

Have fun and remember allways to do safe sex

What is the sniper script exactly for?

Dunno  ???

Supose it fixes ur aim or so, make it more steady   ;D

xiter  ;D

pff... quick scope or something... like in mw3 :]


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